Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Assignment Questions On Economic Principles - 1049 Words

Koo Weng Liang Written Assignment 1 (Microeconomics) for DB106 Economic Principles Assignment Questions Question 1 A) An opportunity cost will arise when economists using between alternative ways of allocating scarce resources. The opportunity cost is for economists to make decision of the alternative use of scarce resources. By using production possibility frontiers (PPF) can be illustrated the opportunity cost to result a clear simple way to effects of making economic choice. A PPF is show the consumers goods and consumers services at the same time. B) Suppose that the two goods that the country AMP produces Apples and Mobile phones. If the production possibility frontiers (PPF) were a straight line, the additional of the unit of mobile phones required to forgone the unit of apples. For example, to move to point A to point B (in order to produce 200 mobiles phones) 50 apples must be forgone. To move point b to point c (to gain another 200 mobile phones), 125 apples must be forgone. As the country AMP sifts from Apples to Mobile Phones can resulted the PPF becomes steeper and opportunity cost of the mobile phones increases. At point B most are producing Apples, although that mobile phones are more suitable to build. At point D most are producing mobile phones. Producing more mobile phones would cause a big drop in Apples output. The PPF would be Bowed-Shaped if resources with varying opportunity costs. C) i) The international migration can be economically beneficialShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantage Funtonal, Matrix and Dedicated in Organizational Structures765 Words   |  4 PagesASSIGNMENT – EMPM5103 MAY SEMESTER 2013 EMPM5103 – PRINCIPLES OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVE: The assignment is intended to provide you the opportunity to evaluate and discuss critically three different principles of project management under the following tasks : Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Organisation Structure Risk Management Project Planning The details of the tasks are explained below: TASK 1: ORGANISATION STRUCTURE Question Discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of theRead MoreEco 100 Week 9 Discussion Eco100 Week 9 Discussion1457 Words   |  6 Pagescom/q/eco100-complete-course-week-1-to-week-11/12258 ECO 100 Week 1 Discussion â€Å"What Is Economics and Principles of Economics†Ã‚  Please respond to the following: Identify a recent purchase that you made and determine how scarcity influenced your purchase decision. 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