Thursday, February 27, 2020

Challenges Faced in the search for the History of crime and punishment Essay

Challenges Faced in the search for the History of crime and punishment in England and Wales - Essay Example To understand this, they have to deal with a great deal of criminal records. These criminal records vary in the nature of punishment administered for various crimes during different times in history. Another problem experienced by these researcher is that there is a lot of information on paper records about the nature of crime and punishment in England and Wales more than information in the internet. They have to scrutinise large records of information about crime administered for various cases. These records may include prison registers, petitions for clemency, judges report and other report from criminal justice agents. Researchers have to understand various circumstances that led to change in the history of these societies. They have to pay attention to civilisation, industrialisation and the growth of population. Also, some cases that form precedents are unique in their own way. The decision by a judge is sometimes influenced by circumstances that were only relevant during that time. Therefore, these individuals have to understand this aspect as they were in history. For example, the criminal responsibility age in both Wales and England is 10 years. However, the 1993 case of Jamie Bulger entailed a child being taken to an adult court in Liverpool. Criminological theories help researchers to understand various change in the perception of crime and punishment by the criminal Justice system in both England and Wales. For example the social learning theory helps to understand the history of crime in both jurisdictions since criminal records have shown that individuals brought up in environments prone to crime have a higher tendency of committing crime. In both areas, criminal activities that have been reinforced frequently and punished infrequently have been found to occur again and again. For example, alcohol abuse among minors, school truancy and gambling are more often since they have been found to be infrequently punished(Hostettler p. 100). The proponents of radical criminology argue that criminal act are socially constructed and there is not act which is immoral or criminal without being defined by the society. This theory proposes that wealth should also be distributed equally in the society to eradicate crime. It may be used to help understand why crime in both England and Wales is by both the rich and the poor. The nature of punishment varies depending on the circumstances surrounding the crime. Foucault’ opinion and crime and punishment were passionate and placed a lot of emphasis on punishing people less and doing it better. Foucault’s opinions on crime and punishment assist learners to understand the evolution of crime and punishment and the evolution of prisons. His theoretical position has enabled people to understand the history of crime and punishment in England and Wales in the sense that prisons from the past in both England and Wales have not reduced crime in the society. To understand the history of crime and punishment, the element of repeat offending ( recidivism) that was coined by this scholar as a consequence of Imprisonment has to be taken into consideration. There may be minimal records to how this element of crimes that have occurred in both England and Wales. The survival of records about crimes of the past in both England and Wales is also a challenge for individuals intending to unearth history of crime in these two places. Record keeping of the criminal Justice agents was not as good as it is today since technology has made things easier and information more accessible to researchers . Also,

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Samsung Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Samsung - Research Paper Example Diversification of the company’s products has enabled it to become a global leader in the electronics industry. The company produces display devices, television sets, digital cameras and mobile phones. However, the company has ventured in the tablets market and has already become a major player in this division. Global Marketing Strategy A robust marketing has enabled Samsung electronics to stay ahead of its competition. The current business environment for electronics dictates that companies become customer-centric. This is whereby companies have to put customer needs first as they develop products or services. This has called for customization of products to the end user specifications or needs. However, the use of customization as a global marketing mix strategy comes into conflict with standardization. In Global marketing, a company needs to try to balance between these two strategies of marketing mix so as to remain relevant and stay ahead of competition (Armstrong and Ko tler 35). Globalization has for years been a disputed phenomenon in various ways including in definition, magnitude and effects. Thus a company should come up with most appropriate measure to handle it. A. Marketing Mix a) Product i. Standardization vs. Customization Standardization as a global marketing mix strategy implies an organizational design that is centralized. A company that adopts this strategy trades its products in one form. Benefits of adoption of this strategy include low operational costs and thus better economies of scale and uniformity of products. However, standardization has drawbacks of lack of competitive edge on products and is heavily reliant on economies of scale for profit margins. Customization on the other hand is a marketing mix strategy that implies an organizational design that is decentralized (Birnik and Bowman 70). This strategy is customer centered and considers needs of customers as per their location and needs. A company that adopts this strategy in its marketing mix benefits in an increase in its revenues since their products will have more appeal to customers. Disadvantages of this strategy include lack of benefit on economies of scale by a company and lack of uniformity in the global image of a company. Samsung Electronics has been successful in maintaining a trade-off between customization and standardization strategies with the help of the internet. According to Hadjinicola and Kumar there should be a combination of these strategies because it maximizes performance of an organization (62). The company has established divisions depending with regions and continents where they are able to customize their products to needs of locals while at the same time availing some non-localized products in these markets. The company has also placed applications for the devices they sell on the internet with and option of individual customization. Using these ways the company has been able to cater for traveling customers and well as local residents in a market. A level of cooperation between the subsidiary products and the parent product optimizes the performance of company products in the market. ii. Cultural Factors Culture of people in a region plays a very key role in determination of a company’s strategic approach in international markets. This is a very vital consideration especially in product advertising and